Save Hotel Baker

Monday, February 10, 2003
From Thomas Morsch of the Northwestern University SBOC:

"We appreciate the more complete description of your dream for the Baker Hotel. My parents took me there for dinner on a couple of occasions more than 50 years ago. I remember well how beautiful and well-situated it was (and still is).

We are not taking on new clients at this time, and I have doubts whether we would have the resources to help you in any event. You need a lawyer skilled in bankruptcy, real estate, zoning and nonprofit organization law and, if there is a major remodeling effort required, some expertise in architectural contracts, waivers of lien and related subjects. It is going to be very difficult to identify such a person, and perhaps impossible to find someone who is willing and able to undertake such a substantial project on a pro bono basis.

Of course, even before you begin looking for a lawyer, it would be a good idea to think about how much it will cost to bring the dream to fruition and where the money is coming from.

I wish you luck, and thanks again for contacting the Small Business Opportunity Center."

Not all bad news, at least we have an idea of what type of attourney to look for.